Författare: Per Karlsson

Swedish. Per is co-founder together with his wife Britt of BKWine. Rumour has it that his interest in wine started already when he was 11. Just like Britt he visits some 200 wineries each year on wine tours and for journalistic research. He writes about wine primarily online on BKWine Magazine and in the BKWine Brief. Per is also a professional photographer, specialising in wine and travel photography. See BKWine Photography for more on this. Since a few years back he has also branched out into video production on the same subject. He has contributed all images, and some text, to BKWine’s wine books.

Galeries Lafayette – Lafayette Gourmet | BKWine Tips

Galeries Lafayette – Lafayette Gourmet, boulevard Hausmann, Paris 9e: Man kanske inte tänker på varuhus när man tänker på vin, men Lafayettes vinbutik är imponerande. Har många mycket bra producenter och en viss förkärlek för

Le Nez Rouge, vinbutik, Paris | BKWine Tips

En av de få butikerna i Paris som har ett bra urval icke-franska viner. Har även mycket bra urval av franska odlare: små, inte så kända, men bra. Pröva t.ex. Domaine de Triennes från Provence.

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