Författare: Per Karlsson

Swedish. Per is co-founder together with his wife Britt of BKWine. Rumour has it that his interest in wine started already when he was 11. Just like Britt he visits some 200 wineries each year on wine tours and for journalistic research. He writes about wine primarily online on BKWine Magazine and in the BKWine Brief. Per is also a professional photographer, specialising in wine and travel photography. See BKWine Photography for more on this. Since a few years back he has also branched out into video production on the same subject. He has contributed all images, and some text, to BKWine’s wine books.

Parker hires new taster for German wines

Robert Parker, famous wine writer, critique and taster, and publisher of The Wine Advocate, has recruited a new collaborator to write about German wines: David Schildknecht, is his name. He has a background as wine

Swedish taxation on alcohol is not reduced

The Prime Minister Göran Persson and the finance minister Per Nuder both agreed that the Swedish taxation on alcohol should be lowered. But this will not happen. The coalition partners to the ruling social-democrats did

Virgin Wines…

Richard Branson, eccentric British billionaire, owner of e.g. Virgin Airlines, has launched a range of wines with the motto “Unscrew it, let’s do it!”. “Wine, like life, is meant to be enjoyed,” said Branson. The

The new appellation Chaume Premier Cru is annulled

A French court (”Conseil d’Etat”) has annulled the creation in 2003 of the appellation Chaume Premier Cru for a sweet white wine made in Anjou near the old appellation Quart de Chaume (itself created in

New rules for Côtes-du-Rhône Villages

New rules were published on August 27: 20 geographical names (village “appellations”) can be used on the label: Beaumes-de-Venise, Cairanne, Chusclan (red and rosé), Laudun, Massif d’Uchaux (red), Plan de Dieu (red), Puymeras (red), Rasteau,

Quotes – Robert Parker on French classifications

Robert Parker interviewed in the French magazine Paris Match, on the French classification systems: “The French classification systems are historically important, but the 1855 classification is more a document than a real reflection of today’s

More link tips

Interested in combining food and wine? Read Sam Gugino’s recommendations on his site SamCooks.com. (Sam is also a contributing editor to the Wine Spectator.): https://www.samcooks.com/ Blaxta – a vineyard in Sweden (!) that is described

L’Air de Rien, restaurang Bryssel | BKWine Tips

L’Air de Rien: Sober och snygg inredning som väl matchar de vällagade och vackert presenterade rätterna. Två rätter till lunch kostar 15 euro – mycket prisvärt – på kvällen kostar huvudrätter mellan 15-22 euro. Intressant

Expertrapport rekommenderar monopolets avskaffande

”[monopolet] är en fornlämning från 1920-talet. … En privatisering skulle inte bara vara fördelaktigt för konsumenterna men skulle också ge mer intäkter till staten. … Det finns inget skäl till att behålla denna förmyndarpolitik från

Book Review: Biodynamic Wines

Biodynamic Wines (Mitchell Beazley)Monty Waldin This is a somewhat heavy book, but if you are interested in the principles of biodynamic wine growing this book gives you all the information you need. It’s written by

Book Review: The World Atlas of Wine

The World Atlas of Wine, 5th edition (Mitchell Beazley)Hugh Johnson, Jancis Robinson If you want to learn a little about every wine region in the world, this is the book for you. The first edition

Californian vintage wine with 15% younger wine?

U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) has proposed a change in the rules for labelling vintage wines: the proposal says that it would suffice with 85% of the wine to come from

Michel Rolland hired as consultant for Antinori

The famous wine consultant Michel Rolland (perhaps most famous to the public for his “contribution” in the wine film Mondovino) has also been hired by Antinori to work with Tenuta Campo di Sasso. According to

Listen to wine radio

If you have started to get to grips with what blogging is, now it is time to look at pod-casting. But never mind the geek speak. It is simply a way of listening to radio

Unbreakable wine glasses?

Tired of fragile crystal wine glasses that break when you wash them? The German glass manufacturer Schott Zwiesel has created a series of wine glasses called “tritan”. They are virtually impossible to break (it is

Burgundy goes for rosé too

Even Bourgogne has been struck by the enthusiasm for rosé wines – since it is one of the few wine categories that currently sell very well it is understandable. Production has risen from 2000 hectolitres

Rosé sells well – Bordeaux adjusts

Sales of rosé wine has gone up with 2.8% since the beginning of the year while red wine is down with 2.5%. In Bordeaux the old denomination “clairet” has seen a revival with many new

Changed rules for white Costières de Nîmes

Costières de Nîmes is at the southern end of the Rhône valley on the border to Languedoc. The modified rules for white CdN wine declares: Permitted grape varieties are Clairette, Grenache Blanc, Bourboulenc, Ugni Blanc,

Parker hires new taster for German wines

Robert Parker, famous wine writer, critique and taster, and publisher of The Wine Advocate, has recruited a new collaborator to write about German wines: David

Virgin Wines…

Richard Branson, eccentric British billionaire, owner of e.g. Virgin Airlines, has launched a range of wines with the motto “Unscrew it, let’s do it!”. “Wine,

New rules for Côtes-du-Rhône Villages

New rules were published on August 27: 20 geographical names (village “appellations”) can be used on the label: Beaumes-de-Venise, Cairanne, Chusclan (red and rosé), Laudun,

More link tips

Interested in combining food and wine? Read Sam Gugino’s recommendations on his site SamCooks.com. (Sam is also a contributing editor to the Wine Spectator.): https://www.samcooks.com/

Book Review: Biodynamic Wines

Biodynamic Wines (Mitchell Beazley)Monty Waldin This is a somewhat heavy book, but if you are interested in the principles of biodynamic wine growing this book

Book Review: The World Atlas of Wine

The World Atlas of Wine, 5th edition (Mitchell Beazley)Hugh Johnson, Jancis Robinson If you want to learn a little about every wine region in the

Listen to wine radio

If you have started to get to grips with what blogging is, now it is time to look at pod-casting. But never mind the geek

Unbreakable wine glasses?

Tired of fragile crystal wine glasses that break when you wash them? The German glass manufacturer Schott Zwiesel has created a series of wine glasses

Burgundy goes for rosé too

Even Bourgogne has been struck by the enthusiasm for rosé wines – since it is one of the few wine categories that currently sell very

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