Domaine Réméjeanne, Rhône | BKWine Pick
Rémi Klein’s father bought Domaine Réméjeanne in 1960. Réméjeanne is in the Côtes-du-Rhône, close to Bagnols-sur-Ceze, on the west side of the river. He started with 5 hectares and it has now grown to 35
Rémi Klein’s father bought Domaine Réméjeanne in 1960. Réméjeanne is in the Côtes-du-Rhône, close to Bagnols-sur-Ceze, on the west side of the river. He started with 5 hectares and it has now grown to 35
Oremus is owned by the same Spanish family that owns Vega Sicilia, the Alvarez. It is a spectacular place. The winery is impressive and brand new, just as new as the ageing cellars are old!
On February 11 BKWine organises the 3rd Scandinavian Wine Fair in Paris. Registrations have started to arrive and we currently have around 25 registered producers. In connection with the Fair BKWine also organises the First
Constellation Brands, one of the world’s largest wine producers, is making a hostile bid to take over Vincor International. Vincor is the forth largest wine producer in the USA. Constellation is offering CAN$ 1.48 bn
That was the challenge launched by one Swedish wine importer (Bibendum) recently. Main challenger was Yves Vatelot, who was there to present his wine from Château Reignac, a Bordeaux Supérieur in the Entre-deux-Mers region. Vatelot
This year, the traditional autumn auction at the Hospices de Beaune was managed by Christie’s. On average prices were up by 11%. 789 pièces (burgundy barrels) of this year’s wine were sold for a total
Buller Wines, a family owned winery in Australia, has announced that they will sponsor Sexpo in Melbourne. Sexpo is the largest fair on sex and sexuality in the southern hemisphere. Buller says that they hope
The third Swedish wine auction was held by the monopoly Systembolaget on November 29. Their wine valuation expert Maria Laurila was happy with the result: “we see it as a confirmation that there is a
Vinsobres becomes the fifteenth village in the Rhône valley to get an “appellation locale” (or “cru”). The wines will therefore become AOC Vinsobres instead of being Côtes-du-Rhône Villages. It will cover exclusively red wine made
Wine Evolution 2006 is taking place 30-31 January 2006, at the Palais des Congres in Paris. Wine Evolution is a two day conference focusing on the business side of wine, with a particular view to
The famous Rioja bodega La Rioja Alta was damaged recently by a terrorist bomb. The bombers claimed to represent the ETA. It cased minor property damage but no persons were hurt. Why Rioja Alta was
A group of producer organisations have submitted an application for a new appellation called Vin de Pays de France. The idea is that VdP de France would allow producers to make branded wines in large
Next ViiniExpo will take place in Helsinki on March 15-18, 2006. ViiniExpo is Finland’s largest (and only) wine and spirits show. It is open mainly for professionals, but on March 18 it is also open
As reported in Scientific American: “A chemical compound in wine reduces levels of a harmful molecule linked to Alzheimer’s disease. In a recent study, resveratrol – one of several antioxidants found in wine – helped
As we have reported earlier, Champagne Lanson is for sale and the French press reports that there are several bidders lurking. Favourite is Champagne Boizel-Chanoine and the other two bidders are LVMH (who already is
A ”hot” topic, these days, especially in California, is ”hang time”. hang time means how long the (ripe) grapes are left hanging on the vine before picking. Hang times influences several things: “ripeness” of course,
For the third time, the competition Effervecents du Monde was held in Dijon on November 17 & 18. Three Great Gold Medals were awarded: Pillitteri Estates Winery in Canada for the Sparkling Icewine Vidal 2004
A very common affliction amongs wine producers (and others) is to create a web site that is too ”flashy”. As a visitor you are forced to watch a welcome page that moves around, maybe with
Over the first nine months of 2005 Argentine wine (and must) exports grew by 32% in value (24% in volume), achieving a total value of $307 million. But exports are quite “concentrated”: only 289 producers
The Swedish monopoly Systembolaget has launched a new political propaganda campaign both in Sweden and in Europe. The campaign uses as a pretext a wish to inform the EU president Mr Barroso about the danger
Statistics from the OECD shows that Sweden is the country where alcohol consumption has increased the most (2000-2003). The survey covers 30 countries. Most successful in decreasing consumption, according to the stats, are Slovakia, Portugal,
Four new villages have gained the right to use their names together with the Côtes-du-Rhône Villages appellation: Massif-d’Uchaux (Vaucluse), Plan-de-Dieu (Vaucluse), Puyméras (Vaucluse) and Signargues (Gard)…! They all make exclusively red wine. This brings the
(Correction) — Jean-Michel Cazes, owner of Chateau Lynch-Bages in Bordeaux as well as a few other wine properties i Bordeaux and Languedoc (where he makes a wine called Circus), has established a collaboration with a
Do you happen to own an oak forest? Then you might be rich. A cooper in Bordeaux just paid 37,790 euro for a single oak. But it was not just any oak: it was 340
Prices for top claret is said to have gone up dramatically recently. The reason is not that retired Brits gulp down more Latour and Mouton than before. Rather, as often, it is a change in
Det argumenterar i alla fall en skribent för i en rapport kallad ”Totalkonsumtionsteorins förfall och den genetiska motboken”. Rapporten konstaterar visserligen att dagens alkoholpolitik är misslyckad. Kärnpunkten i dess eget förslag är ett återinförande av
Systembolaget lanserade en Romanée Conti 2002 i november, som kostade 13.495 kronor (28 flaskor=377.860kr). Enligt uppgifter i pressen orsakade det köer en hel dag före vinet släpptes därför att dagspriset utomlands ligger mycket högre. En
OECDs statistik visar att det land där alkoholkonsumtionen ökar mest är Sverige. 30 länder ingår i statistiken. Mest framgångsrik alkoholpolitik har man haft (att döma av statistiken) i Slovakien, Portugal, Italien, Mexico och Irland där
Visst kan alkohol vara farligt. Om vi för en stund bortser från Systembolagets propagandakampanj så kan vi se t.ex. i WHOs statistik (World Health Report 2002) att alkohol är ett stort problem. I globalt perspektiv
Vinst = 178 miljoner kronor (shhhh) Politisk propagandakampanj + personalfest = 22 miljoner kronor Systembolagets advokatutgifter i muthärvan = 11 miljoner kronor Påstådda mutor = 1 miljon kronor Fungerande alkoholpolitik = ovärderlig (eller var det
Rémi Klein’s father bought Domaine Réméjeanne in 1960. Réméjeanne is in the Côtes-du-Rhône, close to Bagnols-sur-Ceze, on the west side of the river. He started
Oremus is owned by the same Spanish family that owns Vega Sicilia, the Alvarez. It is a spectacular place. The winery is impressive and brand
On February 11 BKWine organises the 3rd Scandinavian Wine Fair in Paris. Registrations have started to arrive and we currently have around 25 registered producers.
Constellation Brands, one of the world’s largest wine producers, is making a hostile bid to take over Vincor International. Vincor is the forth largest wine
That was the challenge launched by one Swedish wine importer (Bibendum) recently. Main challenger was Yves Vatelot, who was there to present his wine from
This year, the traditional autumn auction at the Hospices de Beaune was managed by Christie’s. On average prices were up by 11%. 789 pièces (burgundy
Buller Wines, a family owned winery in Australia, has announced that they will sponsor Sexpo in Melbourne. Sexpo is the largest fair on sex and
The third Swedish wine auction was held by the monopoly Systembolaget on November 29. Their wine valuation expert Maria Laurila was happy with the result:
Vinsobres becomes the fifteenth village in the Rhône valley to get an “appellation locale” (or “cru”). The wines will therefore become AOC Vinsobres instead of
Wine Evolution 2006 is taking place 30-31 January 2006, at the Palais des Congres in Paris. Wine Evolution is a two day conference focusing on
The famous Rioja bodega La Rioja Alta was damaged recently by a terrorist bomb. The bombers claimed to represent the ETA. It cased minor property
A group of producer organisations have submitted an application for a new appellation called Vin de Pays de France. The idea is that VdP de
Next ViiniExpo will take place in Helsinki on March 15-18, 2006. ViiniExpo is Finland’s largest (and only) wine and spirits show. It is open mainly
As reported in Scientific American: “A chemical compound in wine reduces levels of a harmful molecule linked to Alzheimer’s disease. In a recent study, resveratrol
As we have reported earlier, Champagne Lanson is for sale and the French press reports that there are several bidders lurking. Favourite is Champagne Boizel-Chanoine
A ”hot” topic, these days, especially in California, is ”hang time”. hang time means how long the (ripe) grapes are left hanging on the vine
For the third time, the competition Effervecents du Monde was held in Dijon on November 17 & 18. Three Great Gold Medals were awarded: Pillitteri
A very common affliction amongs wine producers (and others) is to create a web site that is too ”flashy”. As a visitor you are forced
Over the first nine months of 2005 Argentine wine (and must) exports grew by 32% in value (24% in volume), achieving a total value of
The Swedish monopoly Systembolaget has launched a new political propaganda campaign both in Sweden and in Europe. The campaign uses as a pretext a wish
Statistics from the OECD shows that Sweden is the country where alcohol consumption has increased the most (2000-2003). The survey covers 30 countries. Most successful
Four new villages have gained the right to use their names together with the Côtes-du-Rhône Villages appellation: Massif-d’Uchaux (Vaucluse), Plan-de-Dieu (Vaucluse), Puyméras (Vaucluse) and Signargues
(Correction) — Jean-Michel Cazes, owner of Chateau Lynch-Bages in Bordeaux as well as a few other wine properties i Bordeaux and Languedoc (where he makes
Do you happen to own an oak forest? Then you might be rich. A cooper in Bordeaux just paid 37,790 euro for a single oak.
Prices for top claret is said to have gone up dramatically recently. The reason is not that retired Brits gulp down more Latour and Mouton
Det argumenterar i alla fall en skribent för i en rapport kallad ”Totalkonsumtionsteorins förfall och den genetiska motboken”. Rapporten konstaterar visserligen att dagens alkoholpolitik är
Systembolaget lanserade en Romanée Conti 2002 i november, som kostade 13.495 kronor (28 flaskor=377.860kr). Enligt uppgifter i pressen orsakade det köer en hel dag före
OECDs statistik visar att det land där alkoholkonsumtionen ökar mest är Sverige. 30 länder ingår i statistiken. Mest framgångsrik alkoholpolitik har man haft (att döma
Visst kan alkohol vara farligt. Om vi för en stund bortser från Systembolagets propagandakampanj så kan vi se t.ex. i WHOs statistik (World Health Report
Vinst = 178 miljoner kronor (shhhh) Politisk propagandakampanj + personalfest = 22 miljoner kronor Systembolagets advokatutgifter i muthärvan = 11 miljoner kronor Påstådda mutor =
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