Författare: Per Karlsson

Swedish. Per is co-founder together with his wife Britt of BKWine. Rumour has it that his interest in wine started already when he was 11. Just like Britt he visits some 200 wineries each year on wine tours and for journalistic research. He writes about wine primarily online on BKWine Magazine and in the BKWine Brief. Per is also a professional photographer, specialising in wine and travel photography. See BKWine Photography for more on this. Since a few years back he has also branched out into video production on the same subject. He has contributed all images, and some text, to BKWine’s wine books.

Château de Targé, Saumur-Champigny | BKWine Pick

A very impressive chateau just outside Saumur. Very good reds with AC Saumur Champigny and whites with AC Saumur. Has belonged to the same family since the 17th century and is now managed by Edouard

Domaine du Vieux Chêne, Roussillon | BKWine Pick

This is a large property covering some 110 hectares just outside of Rivesaltes. Denis Sarda-Bobo makes a fresh and fruit Muscat de Rivesaltes (100% Muscat Petits Grains) and some very powerful dry red wines, the

Wine Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: Wine Learning Centre: Various wine information and a quite amusing section on how to pronounce wine terminology: www.winedefinitions.com Marc Squires, not the most up-to-date web design but

Don’t forget: Go on a wine tour

Just a reminder to you that we have some exciting wine tours lined up this year: Champagne, Chablis & Burgundy in May Bordeaux in June Northern Rhone in September Bordeaux at harvest (or just after)

Where are you?

Oh, and by the way, why don’t you put a pin for you on the Frappr map, just for fun, to show us where in the world you are! Click the Frappr sticker in the

The 1976 Paris Tasting – a revolution

In 1976 a blind tasting was organised in Paris (by Steven Spurrier if I remember correctly). It pitched, blind, some top French wines against top Californian wines. The Californians came out on top. A book

BKWine will be interviewed in the Wine & Dine podcast

The WineFairy.com (Lynn Chamberlain) will feature an interview with Britt the week starting January 8. Listen to it here:— www.winefairy.com(the link in the centre just under “Listen to the current Wine & Dine Radio Show”)

EU will allow oak chips

Contrary to previous reporting the EU has decided to allow the use of oak chips at a meeting on December 12. The decision was taken on a proposal from the Italians but quite a few

Some Wine and Food Blogs

It is becoming more and more popular to blog. Have you tried? There are both very interesting and, hrrmm, less interesting blogs. Here is a selection of wine and food blogs to keep you busy

Domaine Bertrand-Berge, Paziols, Fitou, Languedoc

Fitou – quality in southern Languedoc

Fitou is at the very southern edge of Languedoc, just before it changes to Roussillon. It is a region that has since long tried to keep a high quality profile. This region, basking in sun,

New boss for wines at Vin & Sprit V&S

V&S Vin & Sprit AB, the state-owned largest Swedish importer of wines and spirits have appointed a new manager for the business area V&S Wines: Andreas Carlsson. Carlson leaves his job as CEO of Fuijcolor

Anitra Steen bloggar?

Nej, det tror jag inte. I en del länder har det dock blivit populärt bland verkställande direktörer att blogga. Det finns flera mycket kända namn som bloggar och till och med en klubb för ”CEO

5,500 euro for a bottle of Hock 1727

One bottle of Rüdesheimer Apostelwein 1727 was recently sold by Christie’s in Amsterdam for more than 5,500€. According to Michael Broadbent it had a taste reminiscent of apples and of an old sherry, according to

Unwins in liquidation

We just learned that Unwins, one of the UK’s leading chains of wine shops (380 shops, 24 employees) has been put in liquidation after a long period of uncertainty. It would be easy to crack

Wine agreement between the EU and the US

The EU commission voted to approve an agreement between the EU and the US on wine trade on December 20. Exactly what the agreement will mean is unclear to us at this moment. It is

Kul med debatt i Monopolbloggen

Det har varit en del aktivitet och kommenterande i bloggen over helgerna. Har folk tagit sig tid under semestern? Ett exempel: ”Det är ju verkligen förjävligt att bra vin inte är dyrare i Sverige! (Har

LO: Mångfald eller monopol?

Lustigt att få medhåll från just Landsorganisationen LO. LO säger så här: ”Att motverka monopol och garantera mångfald måste ytterst vara politikens ansvar”. Kan man inte annat än att hålla med om. För att göra

Får underåriga köpa alkohol på Systemet?

Uppsala Nya Tidning (UNT) gjorde en undersökning med hjälp av några ungdomar om hur lätt det är att köpa vin och sprit på Systembolaget när man är för ung. Enligt undersökningen begärde man legitimation i

Får man göra det lättare att handla på Systembolaget?

Vinguiden.com, en svensk webbsite med reklam om vin och sprit, fick i våras en ny affärsidé: På uppdrag av en vinimportör gjorde man det lätt för besökare på webbsiten att beställa viner från beställningssortimentet. Från

Är vin billigt i Sverige?

Vi fick ett annat mail från en person som tröttnat på Systembolagets självförhärligande i sin tidning Bolaget, tidningsannonser mm om att vara störst, bäst och vackrast (d.v.s. ha ”ett av världens största sortiment” och sälja

Dear Mr B reagerar

Vi fick ett mail angående Dear Mr B från upphovsmannen. Ja alltså inte från Systembolaget (DearMrB.se. Systembolaget har sällan för vana att reagera på vad vi skriver, tyvärr) utan från han som passade på att

Fällande domar i mutskandalen

Alla som ingår i det första skedet av domarna i muthärvan får fällande domar. Två personer från Vin-Trädgårdh döms skyldiga till bestickning. Vice-VDn har dömts till 51.000 kronor i böter. Alla de 18 åtalade butikscheferna

Buy or license our pictures

Did you know we have thousands of wine pictures available for licensing to professional photo buyers/photo editors/magazines/… Or if you want to buy a print for your own personal use to decorate your wall that

Wine Tours

Tours on the schedule: May 17-21, 2006: Champagne, Chablis and Burgundy – 3 Classic Wine RegionsTake a break for a long weekend and visit three of the most famous wine regions in France: Champagne, Chablis

Wine Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: Wine Learning Centre: Various wine information and a quite amusing section on how to pronounce wine terminology:

Don’t forget: Go on a wine tour

Just a reminder to you that we have some exciting wine tours lined up this year: Champagne, Chablis & Burgundy in May Bordeaux in June

Where are you?

Oh, and by the way, why don’t you put a pin for you on the Frappr map, just for fun, to show us where in

EU will allow oak chips

Contrary to previous reporting the EU has decided to allow the use of oak chips at a meeting on December 12. The decision was taken

Some Wine and Food Blogs

It is becoming more and more popular to blog. Have you tried? There are both very interesting and, hrrmm, less interesting blogs. Here is a

Anitra Steen bloggar?

Nej, det tror jag inte. I en del länder har det dock blivit populärt bland verkställande direktörer att blogga. Det finns flera mycket kända namn

5,500 euro for a bottle of Hock 1727

One bottle of Rüdesheimer Apostelwein 1727 was recently sold by Christie’s in Amsterdam for more than 5,500€. According to Michael Broadbent it had a taste

Unwins in liquidation

We just learned that Unwins, one of the UK’s leading chains of wine shops (380 shops, 24 employees) has been put in liquidation after a

Kul med debatt i Monopolbloggen

Det har varit en del aktivitet och kommenterande i bloggen over helgerna. Har folk tagit sig tid under semestern? Ett exempel: ”Det är ju verkligen

LO: Mångfald eller monopol?

Lustigt att få medhåll från just Landsorganisationen LO. LO säger så här: ”Att motverka monopol och garantera mångfald måste ytterst vara politikens ansvar”. Kan man

Är vin billigt i Sverige?

Vi fick ett annat mail från en person som tröttnat på Systembolagets självförhärligande i sin tidning Bolaget, tidningsannonser mm om att vara störst, bäst och

Dear Mr B reagerar

Vi fick ett mail angående Dear Mr B från upphovsmannen. Ja alltså inte från Systembolaget (DearMrB.se. Systembolaget har sällan för vana att reagera på vad

Fällande domar i mutskandalen

Alla som ingår i det första skedet av domarna i muthärvan får fällande domar. Två personer från Vin-Trädgårdh döms skyldiga till bestickning. Vice-VDn har dömts

Buy or license our pictures

Did you know we have thousands of wine pictures available for licensing to professional photo buyers/photo editors/magazines/… Or if you want to buy a print

Wine Tours

Tours on the schedule: May 17-21, 2006: Champagne, Chablis and Burgundy – 3 Classic Wine RegionsTake a break for a long weekend and visit three

Arkiv månad för månad

Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet!

25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?