Författare: Per Karlsson

Swedish. Per is co-founder together with his wife Britt of BKWine. Rumour has it that his interest in wine started already when he was 11. Just like Britt he visits some 200 wineries each year on wine tours and for journalistic research. He writes about wine primarily online on BKWine Magazine and in the BKWine Brief. Per is also a professional photographer, specialising in wine and travel photography. See BKWine Photography for more on this. Since a few years back he has also branched out into video production on the same subject. He has contributed all images, and some text, to BKWine’s wine books.

News from the Guest Writers

We have posted a new article on Provence from wine of our guest writers, Virpi Sorvisto. The article is in Finnish (Virpi lives in Finland and also works with BKWine with our Finnish wine tours)

Wine in Luxemburg

It is no doubt one of the smaller wine producers in Europe but there certainly is wine in Luxemburg. The Mosel river runs through Luxemburg, close to the border to Germany, and wine is made

Mer vinbarer och restauranger i Stockholm

Eriks Bakficka Det är långt från Eriks till hans Bakficka. Han måste ha stora byxor. Bakfickan ligger vid Narvavägen. Klassisk mat med t.ex. god husmanskost men även lite mer spännande (t.ex. goda gnocci). Bra vinlista

Link Tip

A site that you might enjoy visiting: On irrigation and the art of watering plants Western Farm Press

Interested in wine pictures?

Perhaps you work as a picture editor or a wine or travel editor? Or perhaps you just like photos of vineyards and wine regions? Then you should try our new “wine picture inspiration”. Once a

This month’s must have (?) wine gadget

A palm computer and a subscription is all you need. Then you can register your tasting notes electronically. In addition, cooperating wine merchants (or other tasting organisers) can supply an electronic list of the wines

Youngest ever Master of Wine

Ken Mackay, a mere 28 years old, is the youngest ever Master of Wine. He recently gained the right to add the exclusive letters MW after his name. His day work (assuming that nights are

Pichon Lalande sold to Roederer

It has been in the making for quite some time and now it’s done. Chateau Pichon-Lalande (one of the so-called “super seconds” in Pauillac) has been sold to the Rouzaud family. The deal also includes

Parker employs British wine taster

The wine guru Robert Parker has hired a relatively unknown British wine critic to write for him. Neal Martin has been running an independent wine commentary site called Wine-Journal.com that will now close. An added

INAO on strike

INAO (Institut National des Appellations d’Origine) is the official French control organisation of the AOCs (wine and other things). The staff has gone on strike to underline the importance of a “credible policy to safeguard

Absolut Prostitution? – Vin & Sprit drar in reklamkampanj

V&S Vin & Sprit drog nyligen igång en reklamkampanj i Tyskland där en av annonserna visade ett yppigt rött läppavtryck med en siluett av en absolutflaska mellan läpparna. Texten var ”Absolut Herbertstrasse”. Herbertstrasse är en

The German wine law updated

One of the changes is that VDP Erste Erlage will be an umbrella description for the best German vineyards (”lage”). You can find details of the changes at Die Prädikatsweingüter

The first wine harvest at Versailles

A long time ago there were plenty of vineyards around Paris. Now there are only a few (mostly symbolic) left. But some have actually been replanted more recently. So, for example in Versailles, a few

Vin & Sprit säljer mer

V&S Vin & Sprits försäljning ökade med 13% till 7,6 miljarder kronor. Rörelseresultatet ökade med 18% till 1,6 miljarder kronor. Ökningen beror till stor del framgångar med storsäljaren Absolut i USA, Europa och Asien. Man

Mechanical harvest better than manual?

Many have opinions on this matter. Often, people believe that manual harvest, with “real” vendangeurs is better, not necessarily without knowing why. We would rather say, like in most things in wine, that it depends.

Uruguay wines continue to progress

Uruguay is radically different (and perhaps less known) than Argentina and Chile, in terms of wine growing. If you find vast vineyards over immense prairies and multi-million dollar investments in wineries in the two bigger

Monopolet lanserar drinkbok

Systembolaget lanserar i början av december en ny bok med drinkrecept. Enligt World of Wine så vill man på Systemet möta kundernas ökade efterfrågan på drinkar och goda smakkombinationer.”Vi vill lyfta fram kvalitet istället för

A wine university in the Rhône Valley

L’Université du Vin – it could not be more straight forward. The University of Wine in Suze La Rousse is housed in a magnificent old medieval chateau. They have several different university programs focusing on

Blanche d’Armagnac

Perhaps it is clever marketing. We have heard about Blanche d’Armagnac since quite a while back and have written about it previously here. But you can still not buy it. This new, “white” (clear and

American wine overtakes French wine in the UK

According to the latest sales figures wine from the US have for the first time sold in bigger volume than wine from France and now holds second position in the UK. Consumers increased the consumption

Unoaked Chardonnay more and more popular

It’s not exactly big news for those of you who read about wine elsewhere: Heavyweight barrel aged Chardonnay is loosing ground. Consumers are moving towards lighter wines with more pronounced fruit, rather than oakiness and

Big harvest in Europe

The total volume in Europe, though, seems to be relatively big. The total for the four countries German, Italy, France and Spain is expected to reach 154 million hectolitres compared to 145 Mhl last year

Small German harvest

The rain arrived just at harvest time in Germany. Many producers had to do very strict sorting of the grapes at harvest, which will lead to a harvest volume that is a bit smaller than

Vin & Sprit announces sales and profits up

V&S Vin & Sprit, the Swedish state-owned that is one of the world’s largest vodka producers (with the Absolut brand), announced sales up with 13% to 7.6 billion SEK for the nine months to September.

News from the Guest Writers

We have posted a new article on Provence from wine of our guest writers, Virpi Sorvisto. The article is in Finnish (Virpi lives in Finland

Wine in Luxemburg

It is no doubt one of the smaller wine producers in Europe but there certainly is wine in Luxemburg. The Mosel river runs through Luxemburg,

Mer vinbarer och restauranger i Stockholm

Eriks Bakficka Det är långt från Eriks till hans Bakficka. Han måste ha stora byxor. Bakfickan ligger vid Narvavägen. Klassisk mat med t.ex. god husmanskost

Link Tip

A site that you might enjoy visiting: On irrigation and the art of watering plants Western Farm Press

Interested in wine pictures?

Perhaps you work as a picture editor or a wine or travel editor? Or perhaps you just like photos of vineyards and wine regions? Then

This month’s must have (?) wine gadget

A palm computer and a subscription is all you need. Then you can register your tasting notes electronically. In addition, cooperating wine merchants (or other

Youngest ever Master of Wine

Ken Mackay, a mere 28 years old, is the youngest ever Master of Wine. He recently gained the right to add the exclusive letters MW

Pichon Lalande sold to Roederer

It has been in the making for quite some time and now it’s done. Chateau Pichon-Lalande (one of the so-called “super seconds” in Pauillac) has

Parker employs British wine taster

The wine guru Robert Parker has hired a relatively unknown British wine critic to write for him. Neal Martin has been running an independent wine

INAO on strike

INAO (Institut National des Appellations d’Origine) is the official French control organisation of the AOCs (wine and other things). The staff has gone on strike

The German wine law updated

One of the changes is that VDP Erste Erlage will be an umbrella description for the best German vineyards (”lage”). You can find details of

Vin & Sprit säljer mer

V&S Vin & Sprits försäljning ökade med 13% till 7,6 miljarder kronor. Rörelseresultatet ökade med 18% till 1,6 miljarder kronor. Ökningen beror till stor del

Mechanical harvest better than manual?

Many have opinions on this matter. Often, people believe that manual harvest, with “real” vendangeurs is better, not necessarily without knowing why. We would rather

Uruguay wines continue to progress

Uruguay is radically different (and perhaps less known) than Argentina and Chile, in terms of wine growing. If you find vast vineyards over immense prairies

Monopolet lanserar drinkbok

Systembolaget lanserar i början av december en ny bok med drinkrecept. Enligt World of Wine så vill man på Systemet möta kundernas ökade efterfrågan på

Blanche d’Armagnac

Perhaps it is clever marketing. We have heard about Blanche d’Armagnac since quite a while back and have written about it previously here. But you

Unoaked Chardonnay more and more popular

It’s not exactly big news for those of you who read about wine elsewhere: Heavyweight barrel aged Chardonnay is loosing ground. Consumers are moving towards

Big harvest in Europe

The total volume in Europe, though, seems to be relatively big. The total for the four countries German, Italy, France and Spain is expected to

Small German harvest

The rain arrived just at harvest time in Germany. Many producers had to do very strict sorting of the grapes at harvest, which will lead

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