La Taverna di Cecco, Siena restaurant | BKWine Pick

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La Taverna di Cecco is a very small restaurant only a few hundred meters from the famous Piazza del Campo but a world away in terms of the crowds of tourist there are. The style is that of a simple taverna, but with real table cloths and proper napkins, so certainly a bit up from the basic. They have traditional Siennese and Tuscan food, the pastas, the stews, the meat dishes etc. The restaurant also makes a specialty of coal grilled meat, truffles and mushrooms but don’t let that scare you away!… You can find all sorts of nicely prepared traditional home cooking here.

La Taverna di Cecco, Via Cecco Angiolieri 19, 53100 Siena, ph 0577 28 85 18


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