“The Wonderful World of Wine – the perfect choice to learn about wine” | book review

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“Are you interested in wine and want to learn more but do not know where to start? Then ‘The Wonderful World of Wine’ is the perfect choice for you.” It cannot be better than that, can it? This is how the review on Vinbanken of our latest book begins. But with its 360 pages, the book is also perfect for those who have already come a long way on the path of learning about wine. It’s full of updated facts.

One gets thrilled when one gets such overwhelmingly positive reviews, and from someone who describes spot-on some of the things we really hoped to convey with the book – views which are perhaps a little different view of the wine than what you often hear.

Listen here: “Another factor that makes the book stand out is that the authors explain in an easy-to-understand way simple mistakes to avoid when it comes to wine. You find out how to taste wines at home, and above all, you find out in a simple way how to match food with wine (the food pairing) so that the dining experience is the best possible. The latter is something that is becoming increasingly relevant and that more and more people are opening their eyes to.”

The book is intended as an overview and then a thorough introduction to everything related to wine. We cover more than forty wine countries in the book. Vinbanken comments: “What particularly appeals to me about the book is its breadth and that you get to learn about wine countries that you may not have known much about. Although France, Italy and Spain of course get a lot of space in the book, rightly so as these countries are still dominant on the podium, it is charming to read about Romania, Slovenia and Georgia as wine countries.”

Some more nuggets from the review:

  • “For those who are interested in wine (…) this is the perfect book.”
  • “You get to learn everything about pretty much all the famous grapes that are out there on the market.”
  • “What particularly appeals to me about the book is its breadth.”

Read the entire book review at Vinbanken: Book review: The Wonderful World of Wine.

Thank you, Jozo Glavas at Vinbanken, for the great review!

Read more about the book “The Wonderful World of Wine” here!

The book is, unfortunately, currently only available in Swedish.

Vinbanken bokrecension "Vinets underbara värld"
Vinbanken bokrecension "Vinets underbara värld"
Framsida: Vinets underbara värld
Framsida: “Vinets underbara värld, från druva till bord; vinodling, vinländer, vinprovning, vin & mat”, av Britt och Per Karlsson (The Wonderful World of Wine, from grape to the table; wine growing, wine countries, wine tasting, wine & food pairing, by Britt & Per Karlsson)

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