Book launch, our new book: Wine and the Environment

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Vinet och miljön. Ekologiskt, biodynamiskt och naturligt
“Vinet och miljön. Ekologiskt, biodynamiskt och naturligt”, boken om allt som handlar om miljö, hållbart och liknande runt vin.

On august 30 we launched our new book in Stockholm: Wine and the Environment, Organic, Biodynamic and Natural. The book is so far only published in Swedish so the real title is Vinet och miljön, ekologiskt, biodynamiskt och naturligt.

Just as the book title indicates it is a book about all the different types of environmentally friendly wine growing and wine making that is becoming more and more common. We explain what all these different terms and principles are about, what are the rules, what are you allowed to do according to the different philosophies and what is not permitted.

The most important purpose of the book is to explain what these things are, lay out the facts. The intention is not to argue that this is the best way to make wine (or conversely that it is a bad choice in wine making). We explain all the details and gives the reader all the facts to let him decide for himself.

In the second part of the book we have a number of wine producer profiles of winemakers that fall into these different categories.

There was around a hundred people present at the book launch so we were very, very happy with the interest for the book.

So now if we only could interest an international book publisher to make an English language edition too!…

Pictures and videos (in Swedish) from the book launch:

Boken Vinet och miljön på boklanseringen på Dansmuseum
Wine and the Environment, at the launch party
Britt & Per vid boklanseringen av Vinet och miljön, ekologiskt, biodynamiskt och naturligt
Britt & Per at the book launch of Wine and the Environment, Organic, Biodynamic and Natural, copyright Red Scream and Riesling

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