Cook Magazine is a very beautiful glossy magazine for restaurants, chefs, and hotels in Belgium. As many publications in Belgium, it is bilingual and publishes everything in two languages. A bit like BKWine Magazine by the way. The difference being, of course, that for Cook it is Dutch (or Flemish) and French, two of the three (!) official languages (out of nine in total), and for BKWine Magazine it is English and Swedish.
In their most recent issue, they have a whole page dedicated to a presentation of our book on organic wines: Biodynamic, Organic, and Natural Winemaking.
Britt and Per Karlsson are two amateurs de vin passionnés who dedicate a big part of this book to define exactly what is meant by organic and the other types of wine production; which are the rules, what can a winegrower and winemaker do in the vineyard and in the wine cellar in order to make “organic wine” (and also the other types of labels), as well as explaining the processes, additives, chemical products, etc that can be used.
The second part of the book is dedicated to a selection of wine producers who fall into these categories.
Although I might not label us as amateurs any longer, the rest of the description is pretty spot on. I might just add that the book also contains many illustrations (photographs) often of things that one usually does not show, but which are often seen in wine cellars if one looks closely.
Many thanks to Cook Magazine for this very nice presentation!
If you are interested to know more about the book Biodynamic, Organic, and Natural Winemaking, follow the link.