Pictures from the new book about Languedoc-Roussillon

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It is difficult to convey a sense of what it is like to travel in a wine district. It is just as difficult to convey a sense of what you may experience when reading a book. But at least we want to try.

Earlier this year, our tenth book was published, a new book on Languedoc-Roussillon, the wines, the food, grape varieties and much more. It is a guide to one of the many exciting wine districts found in France. It is above all a book that wants to inspire you to discover more and explore new things. The book contains lots of good wine producers, some presented with a short text, some with longer. The book is also illustrated with many pictures from the beautiful landscapes and vineyards down here in the very southern part of France, close to the border with Spain.

The area is both rustic, sometimes harsh but also very beautiful. In the far south, there are the dramatic Pyrenees, which near the border extend all the way down to the sea, covered in vines. Further north there are vast wilderness areas up towards the Massif Central. In fact, it is from here that roquefort cheese comes.

Vineyards in the Languedoc
Vineyards in the Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography

The wines, on the other hand, are not harsh, nor rustic, as they sometimes used to say. Often the wines are quite powerful, packed with the south’s sun and warmth. But they also have an amazing freshness and intense fruit that perfectly fits the gastronomy here. As, by the way, to the gastronomy at home. They are best known for their red wines, but even the whites can be of great quality. One of the exciting things down here is to discover the local grape varieties. Syrah and grenache (noir) are probably familiar to you, but here are many others, carignan (and even carignan blanc), grenache gris and blanc, and much, much more. Even sauvignon blanc and pinot noir if you look closely.

Vineyards in Collioure overlooking the Mediterranean
Vineyards in Collioure, Roussillon, overlooking the Mediterranean, copyright BKWine Photography

To give you a little bit better sense of what you can expect from the book and from the region – of course, you have to go there and enjoy the wines on-site! – we wanted to share a selection of pictures from the Languedoc-Roussillon book which we hope can convey some sense of this beautiful and dramatic place.

Unfortunately…. the book is currently only available in Swedish. We don’t have an international publisher. (Yet?)

Get inspired!

More details on the book on the wines of the Languedoc-Roussillon here.

Languedoc-Roussillon södra Frankrikes viner, Omslag Full Size
Languedoc-Roussillon södra Frankrikes viner, omslag
Vineyards in Collioure overlooking the Mediterranean
Vineyards in Collioure overlooking the Mediterranean, copyright BKWine Photography
Lunching on seafood in the La Clape mountain in Languedoc
Lunching on seafood in the La Clape mountain in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Boats on the Canal du Midi in Languedoc
Boats on the Canal du Midi in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
A poster on a fermentation tank in Minervois in Languedoc
A poster on a fermentation tank in Minervois in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Small earthenware jars, or amphora in Fitou-Corbieres in Languedoc
Small earthenware jars, or amphora in Fitou-Corbieres in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
In the dinosaur park in Languedoc
In the dinosaur park in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards in Vallee de l'Agly in Roussillon
Vineyards in Vallee de l’Agly in Roussillon, copyright BKWine Photography
Viewing the Vallee de l'Agly in Roussillon from a helicopter
Viewing the Vallee de l’Agly in Roussillon from a helicopter, copyright BKWine Photography
A village and vineyards in Faugeres in Languedoc
A village and vineyards in Faugeres in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
The world clock in a cellar in Minervois in Languedoc
The world clock in a cellar in Minervois in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards in Minervois in Languedoc
Vineyards in Minervois in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
A donkey at the Domaine des deux Anes in Corbieres, Languedoc
A donkey at the Domaine des deux Anes in Corbieres, Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Gruissan, near La Clape in Languedoc
Gruissan, near La Clape in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Old and new vineyards in Languedoc
Old and new vineyards in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
An ancient dolmen in Languedoc
An ancient dolmen in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
An organic vineyard in the south of France with the winemaker and the author
An organic vineyard in the south of France with the winemaker and the author, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards in Vallee de l'Agly in Roussillon
Vineyards in Vallee de l’Agly in Roussillon, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards La Clape in the Languedoc with the Pyrenees
Vineyards La Clape in the Languedoc with the Pyrenees, copyright BKWine Photography

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