Our book on the wines of the Languedoc-Roussillon wins prestigious award from the OIV

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The whole list of OIV book awards 2019 announced

We worked for two years on the new book about Languedoc-Roussillon. Not full time, but when we could, and not least in the summers when we could go and visit vineyards. But on top of that, we had worked continuously for about ten years, since our first book on Languedoc, to collect material about the wines and the producers. We found many new and exciting wineries, we probably tasted several thousands of wines.

With so much work and effort invested, one is happy when the result is appreciated. And we were happy when we just recently received the news that the book “Languedoc-Roussillon, the Wines of Southern France” won a prize in OIV’s 2019 book awards competition. We won in the category “Discovering and presenting wines”.

Letter announcing the OIV awards to our book "Languedoc-Roussillon, the Wines of Southern France"
Letter announcing the OIV award to our book “Languedoc-Roussillon, the Wines of Southern France”

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OIV stands for “The International Organization of Vine and Wine” (or Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin) and is an organization uniting (almost) all wine-producing countries, a kind of UN, United Nations, of wine. The book prize is very prestigious and has, a little jokingly, been called “the wine world’s Nobel Prize in literature”. The books that are given the awards are usually content-rich heavyweights about wine, not necessarily difficult-to-read, but fact-filled. Not infrequently, they break new ground by talking about topics that have not received so much attention before, or that go a lot further in-depth on the chosen theme. In any case, that is the impression we have from previous years’ awards. For example, a well-known book that has previously won an award is “Wine Grapes” by Jancis Robinson, Julia Harding and José Vuillamoz.

In “our” category, which we won, there was also the famous American author Alice Feiring who participated with her book “For the love of wine” in French translation, and won a “special mention” with it.

“Languedoc-Roussillon, the Wines of Southern France” is our tenth wine book. We have been lucky to be honoured with many awards and prizes for our other books too.

Languedoc-Roussillon södra Frankrikes viner, Omslag Full Size
Languedoc-Roussillon södra Frankrikes viner, omslag

This is actually the third time that we have won a prize or a mention in the OIV book award. Champagne, the Wine and the Growers received a “special mention” in 2018 and France, the Country of Wine; Trends and Tradition won in the category “wine and territories” in 2015. As far as we know, these are the only Swedish books that have been awarded a prize in the OIV book competition.

We are very happy and proud and say a big thank you to OIV, to our publisher Carlsson Forlag and to all our readers!

Here you can read more about “Languedoc-Roussillon, the Wines of Southern France” and also buy it.

We also want to say a big congratulations to our Scandinavian colleagues, Thomas Ilkjær, Paolo Lolli, Arne Ronold, Ole Udsen, who with their book “Italian wine” won the category Wines and Territories.

OIV logo

Here is the full prize and awards list in OIV’s wine literature competition 2019:

  • Viticulture
    • OIV Award: Vine Roots / Wingerdwortels, Eben Archer, Dawid Saayman
    • Special mention: Handbook for Irrigation of Wine Grapes in South Africa, Philip Albertus Myburgh
  • Viticulture and Enology
    • OIV Award: Winorośl I Wino. Wiedza i praktyka, Roman Myśliwiec, Ewa Wawro, Wojciech Bosak
  • Enology
    • OIV Award: Red Wine Technology, Antonio Morata
  • Economy
    • OIV Award: The Palgrave Handbook of Wine Industry Economics, Adeline Alonso Ugaglia, Jean-Marie Cardebat, Alessandro Corsi
    • Special Mention: Coffee and Wine: Two Worlds Compared, Morten Scholer
  • History
    • OIV Award: Les petits vignobles. Des territoires en question (Moyen Âge-XXIe s.), Stéphane Le Bras
    • Special Mention: Hunter Wine : A history (1828 – 1983), Julie McIntyre, John Germov
  • Literature
    • Special mention: Sommelier à mots choisis, Philippe Bourguignon
  • Fine Arts – Photography
    • Special mention: Giacomo Tachis – Mescolavin, Bruno Bruchi
  • Discovering and Presenting Wines
    • OIV Award: Languedoc Roussillon södra Frankrikes viner, Britt Karlsson, Bengt Rydén, Per Karlsson
    • Special Mention: Skin Contact – Voyage aux origines du vin nu (translation of “For the love of Wine”), Alice Feiring
  • Wines and Territories
    • OIV Award: Italiensk Vin, Thomas Ilkjær, Paolo Lolli, Arne Ronold, Ole Udsen
    • Special Mention: Vignes et Vins, paysages et civilisations millénaires, Raphaël Schirmer
  • Monographs and Specialised Studies
    • OIV Award: Roche et vin. À la découverte des vignobles suisses, Editor-in-chief Rainer Kündig
    • Special Mention: La Noblesse du Tonneau, Roland Bugada, Gilles Bousquet, Frédéric Gillet, André Valognes
  • Atlas – Ampelography
    • OIV Award: Atlante dei vitigni tradizionali di Puglia, Pierfederico La Notte, Francesco Civita, Stefano Raimondi, Anna Schneider
    • Special Mention: The Cretan Grapes, Maritina Stavrakaki, Manolis N. Stavrakakis
  • Sustainable Vitiviniculture
    • OIV Award, ex aequo: Terroir – Wetter, Klima, Boden, Dieter Hoppmann, Klaus Schaller, Manfred Stoll
    • OIV Award, ex aequo: El sector vitivinícola frente al desafío del cambio climático, Raúl Compés López, Vicente Sotés Ruiz
Vineyards in the Languedoc
Vineyards in the Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography

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