Our latest book “Languedoc-Roussillon, Wines From The South of France” (Languedoc-Roussillon, södra Frankrikes viner) has been named Drinks Book of the Year 2019 (it actually happened a couple of months ago). Not the best wine book as such, but the best book in Sweden about any kind of drink, wine, spirits, tea, coffee, water. So that must include wine! Or as it is called in the official text Book of the Year – Best In All Categories in Sweden for books on beverages.
We are very proud and grateful for this award.
It is Gourmand International Sweden who has given this fine prize to us. That means we move on to the international Gourmand Awards finals this spring, which will take place in China and France. We look forward with excitement to how things will go.

The Gourmand Awards Sweden gave prizes in several other categories as well. For example, “The Wines of Provence” by Göran Boman became the best book on French wines and “Discover sherry!: Encounter a whole world of flavours ”by Sara Ekselius and Johan Wirén’s best book on European wines. Here you can read the entire Gourmand Awards list with all book prizes.

Gourmand Awards Sweden celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2019. The international organisation will celebrate 25 in 2020. It was created by Edouard Cointreau and has since then drawn attention to and promoted quality books in the areas of food, cooking and drinks.
Gourmand Sweden, led by Pelle Agorelius, had done a joint event with the French ambassador to celebrate the awards and to put forward the theme, which was sustainability, development and facts, or to use the official text “Food, facts and friendships”. An extra special prize, on that very theme, had been awarded to the book “Factfulness” by Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Ola Rosling, and Hans Rosling. France’s ambassador to Sweden, David Cvach, hosted a magnificent dinner at his residence in Stockholm.
Read more about the book “Languedoc-Roussillon, Wines From The South of France”.
Several of our previous wine books have also been awarded by Gourmand (as well as others).