Guide to the World of Wine is a book series on the world’s wine countries and wine regions. All the books in the series give you easy-to read but fact-filled information about wine regions and wine producers. They are richly illustrated with photographs and up-to-date maps. The books are made by Britt and Per Karlsson published by Tukan Publishers.

Travelling around among vines in a wine region is a beautiful and captivating experience. Many wine country landscapes are among the world’s most beautiful sceneries. Each wine region has its own charm and each wine country is different, but all give you unique experiences and unique wines. The book series Guide to the World of Wine gives you an introduction to some of the leading and most important regions in wine countries across the globe in a convenient, easy to read and beautifully presented format.
If you are planning to embark on a wine tour to a wine country a book in this series is a perfect introduction to your trip. Would you rather travel in peace and quiet at home on the couch it gives you all the information that you need to dream yourself away to the cellars and vineyards.
And not least important, with a little more information you will enjoy so much more the wine and the food.
The books in the series, Guide to the World of Wine are entirely newly written. Today, a lot is happening in the world of wine, laws and rules change, consumer tastes evolve, new producers emerge, wine styles change, new wine regions show up on the shelves. Books and texts that were written a number of years ago are unfailingly outdated. Here you get current information from the experts. The books in the series, Guide to the World of Wine is written by what is probably Sweden’s most widely travelled wine writers.
What you will find in the books in the series, Guide to the World of Wine
Each book in the series gives you an introduction to the wine region, the landscape, the grape varieties, the soils, wine styles, climate and much more. The books also give you an insight into the local gastronomy and how the region’s wines pair with the local food; food and wine in combination. Perfect as an introduction to what the region has to offer the wine and food lover.
The books of course also tell you about many of the authors’ favourite producers. They give you tips on the best wines to look for for the wine enthusiast and for the exploring wine consumer. Yes, the “big and famous” names are there, but the focus in the books is on the winemakers who are ambitious, quality-conscious and dynamic. And not least the wineries who make wines that you do not need to take out a mortgage on the house to drink. In short, wines for the wine adventurous and curious wine lover.
The authors
The series Guide to the World of Wine is made by Britt and Per Karlsson, multiple award-winning wine book authors and wine writers that have, for example, been awarded the OIV’s prestigious “Nobel Prize” in wine literature. The text is to a large extent based on their meetings with wine producers around the world. Every year they visit around 300 wineries in Europe, South Africa and South America. They also run one of the world’s leading wine tour operators, BKWine Wine Tours.
The book series
The books in the series are all in a handy soft-cover pocket format and also include newly drawn maps of the regions. Each book includes about 130 pages. The books are published by one of the most successful Scandinavian publishers, Tukan förlag.
All books are richly illustrated with photographs from the authors’ own archive, one of the world’s largest archives of photography from wine regions. Their pictures are also used by many wine magazines and publishers around the world.
The first books in the series, Guide to the World of Wine are:
The books are initially published in Swedish. They are currently only available in Swedish. Please contact us for inquiries regarding publishing in other countries or languages.

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