Does filtered wine taste less good?

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It is very common that wine is filtered before bottling. There are even oenologists who say that any winemaker who does not filter is irresponsible and careless. In the opposite corner we have the crowd that says that filtering, and the “finer” the worse, removes subtleties and nuances in the wine. Just look at all the wines that proudly boast “unfiltered” on the label (we had a Greek one last night). So, what’s the truth? As usual with wine, there is not necessarily any definite “truth”. It depends. On many things. If you’re interested you can get one point of view in the article ”If Filtration ‘Strips’ Wine, What’s Getting Stripped?” in Wines & Vines . (The author comments that it is difficult to judge if it makes any perceptible difference or not, but that can hardly be the case. Just sample the same wine filtered and unfiltered. Surely someone has done that…)

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