What is the BKWine Brief newsletter?

Read the BKWine Brief! The free newsletter on wine.

  • Recommendations and reviews of wines and wine producers

  • News from the wine world

  • Restaurant and wine bar reviews

  • Wine columns and wine writing

  • Latest news on wine and food tours

  • And much, much more on wine!

The BKWine Brief is a monthly newsletter on wine. It is delivered directly to your mailbox and is entirely free.

The BKWine Brief has around 20,000 subscribers all over the world!

The BKWine Brief is written by Britt & Per who are wine journalists and writers frequently published in both electronic and printed media. We occasionally also have articles written by guest contributors.

The newsletter exists in an English language version and a Swedish language version. They are not quite the same: the English version may have items that are not so relevant for Scandinavia and the Swedish version may contain things that are only interesting to Scandinavians. One example is our tasting notes for the monthly new releases at the Swedish monopoly Systembolaget. They only go out to our Scandinavian subscribers.

Sign up for a free subscription to the BKWine Brief here!

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