World wine consumption is dropping. Why do the Chinese drink less and less wine?

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World wine consumption has been falling regularly every year since 2018. Now (2022) it stands at an estimated 232 million hectolitres, a 1% decrease compared to 2021.

The decrease is mainly due to the Chinese drinking less. On average, they have reduced their wine drinking by 2 million hl every year since 2018. So, it had already started before Covid, but of course the pandemic made everything even worse.

In 2022, China drank 8.8 million hl of wine, down from 2021 by 16% and a big difference from 2018 when they drank over 17 million hectolitres.

Read more: OIV

A big winery vat hall with stainless steel fermentation tanks in a winery in China
A big winery vat hall with stainless steel fermentation tanks in a winery in China, copyright BKWine Photography

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