Wine Tours
- September 27 – October 1: The Northern Rhône Valley
If you love the Syrah grape, this is the trip for you! The northern part of the Rhône Valley is mostly about powerful red wines but we will also get to know the regions delicious, full bodied whites. More info here!
- October 11 – 15: Bordeaux at harvest time
This trip to Bordeaux is just at the end of the harvest season (though you can never predict in advance exactly when harvest will be). For a wine lover a trip to Bordeaux is a must! Here you find not only world famous châteaux and world famous wines but also a lot of new exciting initiatives. More info here!
For info, contact me or check the site:
2 Responses
Do you know of any wine tours from Bordeaux to Vieux Chateau Gaubert ?
Thank you.
We have done tours with visits to Vieux Chateau Gaubert in Graves but what visits we do on a tour varies from time to time. Contact us if yo want more info on a specific tour. Or we can also do a custom tour according to your specific requirements.
But if Vx Ch Gaubert is the only place you want to visit it might be easier to go there on you own. (But that would be a pity since there are so many other interesting places to visit too!)