Larger and larger quantities of wine in the world are sold in bulk. The volume has doubled over the past 10 years. Spain is the leading country when it comes to selling bulk wine (35% of the total bulk volume in the world). Italy comes second (23%) and Australia is the third largest in terms of volume. In terms of value, however, France beats Australia och ends up third. The French get paid an average of one euro per liter bulk wine compared with the global average price of 63 cents. Read more at vitisphere.com
All wine shipments in containers larger than two litres are for the moment considered as bulk wine in the statistics. This means that also Bag in Box of more than 2 litres is statistically counted as bulk wine. This is perhaps one explanation to why this category is increasing.
Many think, we included, that the definition of bulk wine should be changed and it probably will. Bag in Box is usually sold as such to the end consumer and is therefore a totally different category than bulk wine destined to be blended and/or bottled by a wholesaler.