Vote NOW in the Wine Travel Awards – APRIL 1 IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE! Vote BKWine!

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It is very, very little time left to vote in the Wine Travel Awards (WTA) public voting. Vote NOW! As a wine travel “competition” the WTA tends to be different than others. Many other organisations who promote wine tourism tend to favour big and attention-drawing projects that often requires big budgets. This excludes many worthy projects and initiatives that are just as important, but not so spectacular in size. The WTA tends to present a much broader variety of project.

The Wine Travel Awards has a number of different categories: Education in Wine Tourism, Wine Guide, Enogastronomic Events, Visiting Card of a Country, Wine Ambassador, Influencer… You have a lot of different initiatives, people and projects that you can vote for. Make your voice heard and put down your vote for what you think are worthy wine tourism project or person. Scroll down on this WTA Voting page to find all categories and nominees.

You can vote for us at BKWine if you like what we do in wine travel!

Vote for Britt as “TOP WINE GUIDE” here.

Vote for BKWine Tours as “TRAVEL OPERATOR OF THE YEAR” here.

Vote today!

Britt Karlsson, BKWine, tasting Champagne on the Seine, Paris
Britt Karlsson, BKWine, tasting Champagne on the Seine, Paris, copyright BKWine Photography
Britt Karlsson greeting a group of wine tour travellers in Cape Town, South Africa
Britt Karlsson greeting a group of wine tour travellers in Cape Town, South Africa, copyright BKWine Photography

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One Response

  1. Although I do not know personally any of the nominees, I beleive this competition is fabuleous. You are more than welcome to visit wine industry in Chile and I will be delighted to host you, organize, plan and share time in vineyards in this Southern Cone country. Blessings

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