Viti-tunnel may reduce need for spraying

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Ten Bordeaux chateaux will in 2018 and 2019 try out a new way to reduce the spraying in the vineyard. They will protect their vines against rain by installing in their vineyard a Viti-tunnel. This is a new invention. The tunnel is a transparent rain cover for the vines that automatically folds out when it is raining and retracts when the rain stops. The tunnel will be powered by solar cells and sensors will detect the moisture in the air. The idea is that the vines should not be affected, or at least less affected, by fungal diseases like mildiou and black root.

However, it feels a bit like having the vines in a greenhouse. But maybe all ways that can reduce the spraying in the vineyards are worth trying out? Look at the picture here:

It is unlikely that there will be tunnels to see but there will be plenty of delicious wines to taste at the wine tour to Bordeaux in April.  (And after that in the autumn.)

A barrel cellar tunnel at Bodegas Roda in Rioja
A barrel cellar tunnel at Bodegas Roda in Rioja, copyright BKWine Photography

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