The Torres family celebrates its 150th anniversary

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A few months ago we wrote about the 40th anniversary of Torres Chile. Today we congratulate the Torres family again, because this year the Spanish company is celebrating 150 years as winemakers.

It was in 1870 that brothers Miguel and Jaime Torres Vendrell founded Casa Torres y Compañía in Vilafranca del Penedès, Catalonia. The company has evolved over the years to become one of the most talked about and admired in Spain and in the world.

Miguel Torres’ environmental commitment, which now continues with the fifth generation, has received a lot of attention and the family continues unabashedly with their research to find the best climate solutions. And it gives results. Torres now announces that their carbon footprint per bottle, from vineyard to consumer, has decreased by 30% since 2008, when their first environmental measures were implemented.

Read more: torres

Grape varieties in Torres' vineyards in Catalonia
Grape varieties in Torres’ vineyards in Catalonia, copyright BKWine Photography

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