The gross profit at the Swedish monopoly retailer was 39 million euro (366 M SEK) in 2007. It is a drastic decrease from 2006 when the profit was 64 M euro (602 M SEK). The Systembolaget explains the difference with that the trading margins were decreased in 2007 and they made less profits from selling real estate. In spite of the lower result Chief Executive Anitra Steen says “2007 was a successful year for Systembolaget. We fulfilled our tasks assigned to us by the government and answered to customer expectations.” Well, 39 M Euro is perhaps not that bad, not least if you consider the constantly repeated mantra at Systembolaget that “we are not a profit motivated company”. In fact, the profit target is set by the owner, the government (perhaps without being very motivated by what it will be?) and then it is relatively mechanically achieved by the monopoly. From that perspective it can indeed be an advantage with a monopoly.