The most popular sparkling wines and champagne (in Sweden and France)

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What do people drink for New Year? If we look at the statistics for 2014 in Sweden it gives you a hint. It was in any case very Italian. Here is the 2014 top-ten best-selling sparkling wines in Sweden at Systembolaget 2014:

Note & translation: The ten best-selling sparkling wines at the Swedish monopoly Systembolaget. Varunr = Systembolaget reference, Pris = price in SEK, Land = country, Ursprung = region, Försäljning (L) = sales in litres.

Not a single champagne among the best-selling sparkling wines. Perhaps that is understandable when you look the price range, 6 euro to 12 euro. In total the ten most consumed sparkling wines sold some 3.9 million litres in 2014.

Tasting a series of sparkling wines
Tasting a series of sparkling wines, copyright Ulf Bengtsson

What about champagne from Champagne then?

The best-selling champagne 2014 is in 28th place in the over-all list of the best-selling sparkling wines with just over 100 000 litres sold. Here is the top-ten list of Champagnes in 2014 in Sweden:

In total the ten best-sellers sold almost 640,000 litres. The price range is of a different dimension, 19 euro to just under 50 euro. It is interesting that it is far from cheapest that has taken the top spot. André Clouet has obviously been successful with their marketing in Sweden. I wonder what they have done to sell 25% more than the number two, although they are considerably more expensive than both no. 2, 3, and 4?

The numbers have no doubt changed somewhat for 2015. For example, it seems Philippe de Nantheuil Brut has gone 20th place in 2014 to near the top in 2015. It might be explained by the price, 17 euro (SEK 159), making it the cheapest champagne of all in Sweden. It is made by Nicholas Feuillatte (although this fairly well hidden).

Tomorrow we will publish the top ten best-selling champagnes in France.

So what bubbly are you drinking this year?

Come and discover more exciting sparkling wines on a wine tour with BKWine. For example, a wine tour to Champagne.

Champagne bottles in pupitres
Champagne bottles in pupitres, copyright BKWine Photography

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