Sweet delights, wines for Christmas

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Sweet Christmas delights can be chocolate, marrons glacés or a sweet wine. Here are some last-minute recommendations and inspiration. Christmas is not quite complete without a sweet wine, often fortified, to go with the blue cheese, the nuts, the chocolate…

Fonseca Terra Prima Organic Port 2018. This is the first organic port wine, and it is also sustainable thanks to its lightweight bottle.

Fonseca Guimaraens Vintage Port 2012. It is a superb vintage port that you can enjoy today. A Guimaraens Vintage matures a little faster than Fonseca’s Classic Vintage.

Don PX, Bodegas Toro Albala, Montilla-Moriles Andalusia. With this extraordinary wine made from the pedro ximenes grape, there is no need for anything sweet to eat. With over 300 grams of residual sugar per litre, you sip it on the sofa with a good book.

Read more about Toro Alba in this BKWine Magazine article.

Alambre, Moscatel de Setúbal 2018, José Maria da Fonseca. They make aromatic, sweet, fortified wines on the Setúbal peninsula south of Lisbon. They are not well-known, but they are delicious.

Read more on JM da Fonseca in this BKWine Magazine article.

Vats with port in a quinta in the Douro
Vats with port in a quinta in the Douro, copyright BKWine Photography
A glass of Moscatel de Setubal
A glass of Moscatel de Setubal, copyright BKWine Photography
A “venenciador” sampling wine from barrel at Bodegas Toro Albala in Montilla-Moriles
A “venenciador” sampling wine from barrel at Bodegas Toro Albala in Montilla-Moriles, copyright BKWine Photography

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