Sweden is world champion in bag-in-box wines

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Swedes are world champions when it comes to drinking bag-in-box wines. In 2017 box wines were separated from bulk wines in international import and export statistics. Up until then, everything over 2 litres was considered as bulk wine. So now we have statistics showing which countries export and import bag-in-box.

The statistics show that Sweden is the world’s largest importer of box wine. So, it is not just a question of consumption per capita, but also the biggest total volume. In Sweden, many people probably think that drinking BiB is commonplace in most countries but that is not the case.

Sweden imports 493,000 hectolitres of box wine, which represents 25% of the total imported volume. However, bag-in-box wines (or simply box wines as they are called in Sweden) account for 50-60% of the sales. The explanation is probably that most of the wine imported bulk (around 27% of the total imports) is filled in boxes in Sweden.

The second biggest importer is the USA, followed by Norway (!), Slovakia and Germany.

Australia is the biggest exporter of bag in box, slightly ahead of South Africa and Germany. Then come France, Italy and Spain.

Read more stats here blog-export.fr

Bag-in-box wines on shelves in a Systembolaget shop in Sweden
Bag-in-box wines on shelves in a Systembolaget shop in Sweden, copyright BKWine Photography

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2 Responses

  1. Hi there
    Please can you give me the contact details for Britt Karlsson. We have developed a system for Bag in Box wine that enables consumers to empty the entire box of wine without tilting the box or blowing into the bag. The system only adds approximately 0,6% to the manufactured cost of the bag, so its extremely cost effective. The largest wine producers in South Africa and Canada have shown tremendous interest in adopting the system.

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