How much do you spend on an everyday wine?

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How much do you spend on an everyday wine? – That was the question the prominent Swedish wine association “Munskänkarna” asked its members in a survey to find out how much they are willing to pay for a wine to be drunk on a weekday.

They were given different options, from under 100 kronor (9 euro) to over 251 kronor (22 euro).

Almost 50% of those who answered thought that 101-150 kronor (9 to 13 euro) were adequate.

Nearly a third went up a little in price to 151-200 kronor (13 to 17.50 euro).

11 % thought spending up to 100 kronor (9 euro) was enough for a weekday wine.

And only 4 % said they are prepared to pay more than 251 kronor (22 euro).

The Munskänkarna Association has over 25 000 members all over Sweden.

As a point of reference, the most inexpensive wine at the Systembolaget (the state monopoly shops in Sweden) is 55 kronor (4.85 euro). (The cheapest wine in a randomly selected French grocery shop is at 1.97 euro.)

Read more Munskankarna

Great wines at affordable prices, publicity sign at a wine shop in Bordeaux
Great wines at affordable prices, publicity sign at a wine shop in Bordeaux

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