In Spain, what to do with tipping, restaurant etiquette, transport, shopping etc

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Handy tips on tipping customs, shopping hours, restaurant etiquette, taxi and transport, and more. One should perhaps not take too seriously rules about how to behave. On the other hand, it can be dangerous to be totally ignorant about local customs and traditions when travelling in a foreign country.

So here are a few half serious, half light-hearted tips about how things work in Spain. What are the Spanish customs for tipping? How do you get a taxi? What should you do and not do in a restaurant or a café to get the best service? Etcetera.

Read more on the BKWine wine tour blog: Spain FAQ: tipping, restaurants, transport, shopping.

There you can also find more useful Spanish information:

A glass of wine with tapas in Rioja
A glass of wine with tapas in Rioja, copyright BKWine Photography
A tapas bar on Calle San Juan in Logrono, Rioja
A tapas bar on Calle San Juan in Logrono, Rioja, copyright BKWine Photography
Tapas bars on Calle Laurel in Logrono, Rioja
Tapas bars on Calle Laurel in Logrono, Rioja, copyright BKWine Photography
Tapas and wine menu in a bar on Calle Laurel, Logrono, Rioja
Tapas and wine menu in a bar on Calle Laurel, Logrono, Rioja, copyright BKWine Photography

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One Response

  1. i agree that it shouldn’t be taken tooooo seriously.
    It’s appreciated if you leave a tip. But people don’t.

    Locals tend to only leave the roundup change if they’re in a local bar. But yes, tourists do tend to leave a little more if they’re in the more ‘tailored to tourists’ style of restaurants!

    I think it does depend on where you are for how much you leave :)

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