It is not only in Sweden that the Italian wines are popular. Also in Denmark, Italy is the largest wine country with a market share of 21.5%. Chile is in second place with 13.3%, closely followed by Spain, France and South Africa. In sixth place is Australia with 6.8%.
In Denmark, the supermarket chains have a very strong position in the wine market. Three of them, Coop, Dansk Supermarked and Dagrofa, together have just over 80% of sales. But the wine supply in Denmark is still very varied. In Denmark they have the highest number of wine importers per inhabitant!
Coop sells its wines in stores like Kvickly, SuperBrugsen, Dagli’Brugsen and Irma. Dansk Supermarked sell theirs in Netto, Føtex and Bilka. Dagrofa tempts the customers with wines at Spar, Min Købmand Let-Køb and Kiwi.
Read more about Denmark’s wine trade here