This month’s must-have wine gadget: the screw cap opener

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Dr. Vino is a wine blogger with a talent to unearth unusual and intriguing stories. He has found this month’s wine accessory that one should definitely not be without: a “cork screw” for bottles closed with screw cap the Butterfly Wine Opener. How else will you be able to open with flair those challenging screw top bottles?! We dive for the credit card to place an order!

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8 Responses

    1. Oh, wow. Had completely forgotten about that (no surprise). It does actually exist!

      And five minutes to explain how it works. Rather, THAT it actually works. Maybe it even comes with a manual to explain how to make it work…

      Can’t quite imagine why one would need a tool to open a screw-cap. But if one does, surely a pair of tongue-and-groove pliers ( must be more effective (and cheaper).

      Thanks for sharing this gem. :-)

  1. Pliers sadly don’t grip around a cap, and a vise grip can shatter the glass. About the only equivalent can be bought on Amazon as a jar or bottle opener for about the same price (now, but back in 2009 The Butterly was a good bit more). But if you have guests over who like the class and style of struggling to rip off a fused Stelvin screw top cap with a pliers, go for it!

  2. People whose hand strength is compromised by rheumatoid arthritis cannot grip the bottle strongly enough at both the top and bottom end need this tool.

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