“The Scania wine expert” in Swedish papers

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It’s fun when the “printed” press pays attention to what we do. The other week it was a double, in both Helsingborgs Dagblad (HD) and in the sister magazine Sydsvenskan, two regional papers in the south of Sweden, in “Skåne” (or Scania). They both had a report about Britt, who of course comes from Helsingborg, one of the main cities in the region, and about what we do. “With Paris as a base, Britt Karlsson from Helsingborg and her husband Per organise wine tours around the world. –The tours have a high recidivism rate, jokes the wine specialist.”

Johan Tollgerdt, a Swedish journalist based in Paris, tells the story of BKWine. For example, he asked what can upend things and go wrong. Well, it may be that a winemaker cancels a visit twenty minutes before it should take place. He had been up all night fighting the frost and could not do the visit since the fight was not finished and he needed to save what could be saved. But it went well anyway. Instead, it became a visit at another wine producer that we have known for a long time where we had a great tasting of several Corton grand crus. No one complained.

There are many other tidbits in Johan’s article about what we do. You can read it (in Swedish) here in HD and here in Sydsvenskan: ”The Scania wine expert”.

A very important part of what we do is wine travel and you can read all about our wine tours here.

Britt Karlsson, BKWine, in Sydsvenskan
Britt Karlsson, BKWine, in Sydsvenskan
OIV Awards Pau Roca, Per Karlsson, Britt Karlsson
OIV Awards: Pau Roca, Director General OIV, Per Karlsson, Britt Karlsson, photo courtesy of OIV
Britt participating in the Pebbles Project at Creation Wines in Hemel en Aarde, South Africa
Britt participating in the Pebbles Project at Creation Wines in Hemel en Aarde, South Africa, copyright BKWine Photography

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