There are several hundred grape varieties that can be used by winemakers in different countries. But the major well known varieties are very dominant. 30 varieties account for about 70% of world wine production. The many lesser known grapes have to be content with sometimes only a few hectares.
Is a wine more exciting and interesting if it is made with an unusual grape variety?
The newly founded organization Wine Mosaic thinks so. Wine Mosaic promotes old, traditional and almost forgotten grape varieties grown in the countries around the Mediterranean. These are worth protecting, for the character of the wines, the diversity of the vineyard. Moreover, these grapes are often much more suited to the environment, unlike some “newcomers”.
Read more about Wine Mosaic.
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The picture below is from Mendoza in Argentina, where a producer uses the rather unusual petit manseng grape variety. You can join BKWine on an unforgettable wine tour to Argentina and Chile in February next year.
Travel to the world’s wine regions with the wine experts and the specialist in wine travel.

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Si winemosaic s’occupe (fort bien) des cépages méditerranéens, l’activité de l’association “Rencontres des cépages modestes” concerne toutes les personnes qui s’intéressent de près ou de lojn aux cépages dits “modestes” de toute la France, c’est-à-dire tous ceux qui ne sont pas dits “nobles”, et il y en a une très grande quantité.
Nous organisons chaque année en novembre les “Rencontres des cépages modestes” qui se tiennent à St Côme d’Olt, dans l’Aveyron. Le programme des précédentes rencontres, la retranscription des débats et la liste des vins dégustés seront mis prochainement sur notre site web.
Jean Rosen, vice-président, pour le président, Philippe Meyer.
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