To have fine, healthy grapes when it is time to pick means everything, or at least a lot, to the quality of the wine. And that means that you must ensure that both the vines and the soil they grow in are in a good condition. The more the wine grower knows about the state of the vineyard, the more he can control the work and do the right things.
A tool called e-terroir is now available to winemakers in the Loire Valley. E-terroir uses satellites to identify individual vineyards and different plots and their characteristics. The wine grower receives on his computer information about the quality of the soil, the depth of water, drainage, possible risk of diseases and malnutrition, and much more.
This information can reduce spraying in the vineyard and helps the grower to plant the right grape in the right soil and grafting it on the most suitable rootstock.
Read more here La Vigne.