Rules for labelling in France

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On May 6, new rules were published for the labeling of wines in France. The rules come into force on 1st of July. The ministries involved, writes La Vigne, have taken quite some time to get the rules published but actually they are more or less already in use. The 6th of May publication was rather a confirmation of what everyone already knows.

Protectionist grape producers

The back label with real and potential alcohol
The back label with real and potential alcohol, copyright BKWine Photography

We have taken a closer look at the labelling rules. For example, the Alsace-growers (and the growers in the Jura and Savoie) have managed to protect their grapes to a certain degree. Grapes from these regions are not allowed to be mentioned on the labels of wines without geographical origin (Vin de France).

The grapes concerned are the Alsace grapes gewurztraminer, riesling and sylvaner, the Jura grape Savagnin and the Savoie grapes trousseau, mondeuse, jacquère, poulsard, altesse and gringet. Moreover, the same rule applies for clairette and aligoté.

When grapes are not what you think

For wines with geographic origin – AOC/AOP  and vin de pays/IGP – the names of the grapes can be mentioned on the label, provided that each grape represents not less than 15% of the blend. One wonders why they decided on a 15 % limit.

Co-operatives masquerading as private “estate” properties

I am always confused when I see the term “mis en bouteille a la propriété” (bottled on the estate) on a bottle from a cooperative. Now I have the proof that it is permissible for cooperatives to put this on the label if the vinification has been made by the same cooperative that bottled the wine.

And I’m still confused. For me, estate bottled and bottled by a cooperative are opposite things.

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