How the rosé trend is killing one of France’s great wines: red Bandol

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I was a bit shocked the other day when I saw a video clip with Etienne Portalis from Château Pradeaux, one of the well-known wine estates in Bandol. Bandol has always, for me, been the great red wine of Provence. A structured, high-quality red wine, surrounded by a sea of (not always very exciting) rosé wines.

So no wonder I was shocked to hear Etienne Portalis say that Bandol in 20 years has gone from 80% red and 20% rosé to now being 80% rosé and only 20% red! I have not checked that the numbers are correct but have no reason to doubt him. (Wikipedia says 64% rosé but that number is probably a few years old.)

What a waste! Are there not enough rosé wines in Provence anyway? A fighting cry to all Bandol growers: do not waste your lovely mourvèdre grapes on rosé! And a fighting cry to all rosé drinkers: do also explore the delicious reds and whites (!) from Provence!

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Some Provence rosé have very light colour, like this Chateau Vannieres
Some Provence rosé have very light colour, like this Chateau Vannieres (copyright Per Karlsson, BKWine Photography)

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One Response

  1. One of my favorite Provençal appellations is Les Baux de Provence, known for red wines primarily. An interesting set of winemakers doing red.

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