Residual sugar is for Dummies? The Sweet Wine Lovers’ Manifesto

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Should you feel ashamed if you prefer some sweetness in your wines? No, says American Tim Hanni, Master of Wine. He has written a book on the subject, “The Sweet Wine Lovers’ Manifesto”. In the book, he complains about what he calls “the dry wine fashionistas who dismiss sweet wine lovers as ‘beginners’ who will learn to like drier, more stylish wines”. These wine snobs, he believes, should realize that people experience acidity and tannins in different ways.

Tim Hanni has done research on the subject, and he believes that there are people who simply cannot drink powerful and tannic red wines. They perceive the taste as bitter and unpleasant. They need a bit of sweetness to mask the bitterness.

There are plenty of wines with residual sugar so the sweet wine lovers need not to sit at the table thirsty. And besides, not all red wines are full-bodied and tannic. But the problem for Hanni is more the attitude of certain wine experts. He believes that wine education should deal more with different people’s tastes and make sommeliers more sensitive and attentive. Maybe he has a point there!

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A glass of sweet wine for dessert
A glass of sweet wine for dessert, copyright BKWine Photography

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One Response

  1. Thank you. I prefer sweet red wine and if I say that to anyone I feel like they are ready to crucify me. So ridiculous.

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