Reduced wine harvest volume in France 2024 after an unequal battle against the forces of nature

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In France, the harvest and fermentation are in full swing. In many (most) places the harvest is finished. The weather has caused problems in many regions, and the Ministry of Agriculture estimates that the harvest will be around 18% lower than last year. The volume is estimated at 39.3 million hectolitres. Some regions have been hit harder than others.

In the Jura, the harvest is about 70% lower than usual due to spring frosts and fungal diseases. The volume in the Loire Valley has decreased by 30% and in Bourgogne-Beaujolais by 25%. The fungal diseases have also been challenging to combat here, and Beaujolais was also severely hit by hailstorms.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, this year has been particularly challenging for almost all wine regions in France. The severe fungal disease downy mildew, hailstorms, frost, as well as coulure and millerandage, two diseases that occur during damp and cool weather and that cause the bunch to have much fewer grapes, have all had a significant impact on the harvest.

Despite the challenges and reduced volume in some regions this year, many winegrowers are optimistic about the quality of the wines.

You will get more fresh and direct harvest reports when our hectic wine tour season is over.

Just harvested tempranillo grapes and secateurs, Ribera del Duero, Spain
Just harvested tempranillo grapes and secateurs, Ribera del Duero, Spain, copyright BKWine Photography

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