Red wine turns iron into a superconductor

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The windmill at Moulin a Vent in Beaujolais
The windmill at Moulin a Vent in Beaujolais, copyright BKWine Photography

Japanese scientists have discovered that red wine can turn certain iron compounds into superconductors, according to A superconductor can transport electricity without any significant electrical resistance which for instance means that it can be transported indefinitely without losses. The Japanese researchers discovered that certain liquids contributed to the super-conductive properties and decided to try with wine. (Why wine? Who knows!)

They tried different types of wine and concluded that Beaujolais, made from gamay, was best. All wines they tested were better than other liquids: beer, sake, and shochu. It turned out that it was the tartaric acid that contributed to the superconductivity. But wine was still better than a plain solution with tartaric acid.

Which practical implications this may have in the future remains to be seen. Perhaps it can be interpreted as a sign of Japanese scientists’ great imagination, or excess of free time?

Read more (Thank you Dag H)

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