Rain, wind and hail. Then heat and more hail.

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The bad spring turned into a cold, rainy and windy early summer in France. Hail, storms and even small tornadoes have occurred. Some regions have suffered worse than others. For example, Vouvray in the Loire valley was hit by devastating hail combined with extremely strong wind on the morning of June 17. A large part of the appellation was hit (1500 hectares) and some growers have had their vineyards totally shattered by the hail.

50% of the affected growers in Vouvray have hail insurance.

Then came July with sun and very hot weather. Sometimes too hot. And with more hail, devastating in some places.

Will be interesting to see where this ends!

Read more: www.mon-viti.com

Nets to protect vines from hail in Chablis, Burgundy
Nets to protect vines from hail in Chablis, Burgundy, copyright BKWine Photography

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