The world drinks more rosé wine than ever before. Rosé consumption in the world has risen by 31% since 2003. The very light coloured style of rosé, such as they are made in Provence, is the highest fashion.
The rosé trend has made Provence an extremely successful wine region. 89% of the wines in Provence are today rosé. You can make amazing red wines here but the market forces rule and who can blame the producers? (But it is a bit of a pity that we see fewer and fewer of the delicious reds and whites, and more neutral pool rosés.)
In 2008, 59,000 hectolitres of rosé wine from Provence were exported at a value of 2.56 million euros. In 2017, the volume had increased to 382,000 hectolitres and the value to 226 million euros.
The US market has grown at an amazing pace. From a value of 2.8 million euros in 2008 to 114 million euros in 2017. A staggering increase.
Where will this end?
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