Provence will allow new and old grape varieties

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The producers of Provence are ready to try new grape varieties that are more resistant to drought and disease. By 2022, several new ones will probably be allowed in limited quantities.

One of them is caladoc, a relatively new crossing between grenache and malbec that has already had success in the Languedoc.

Another is rousseli, an old Provence variety for rosé wine also called rosé du var (after the department of Var in Provence). Today it is almost extinct because it was not considered good enough quality with its pink grapes and low potential alcohol content. But these are properties that today are considered an asset.

Provence is also preparing to experiment with the Greek varieties agiorgitiko, xinomavro and moschofilero, the Italian nero d’avola and the white verdejo from Spain.

Read more (pdf): chambres-agriculture

Bandol is a charming seaside town and also a famous red wine appellation in Provence
Bandol is a charming seaside town and also a famous red wine appellation in Provence, copyright BKWine Photography

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