Condom is, believe it or not, the main town in the Gascogne region that produces the delicious spirit called Armagnac. It is a three hours’ drive south from its cousin Cognac. But Condom is of course also something else. Some clever marketing people have launched “the Condom from Condom”. Clever, no?
The town sages are apparently not convinced, since according to a report in Sud-Ouest they are considering legal action. But who can fail to see the charm with arguments like “the first luxury condom, chic and elegant, with this particular ‘French touch’”.

Just like wine (or armagnac) it is even available in a six pack bed-side table box: “you will be proud of displaying it!” (we assume ‘it’ refers to the elegant jewellery-inspired box).
Local businesses seem to have caught on more than the municipality. There’s even one who has started to sell armagnac-based cocktails with inspired names like “la turlutte”, “le gratte-cul” ou “la coucougnette aux figues” (look it up on Wikipedia!).
Can we hope for a combined gift box, including a bottle of armagnac, a tin of delicious foie gras (another local speciality) and a luxurious condom box? Who can resist?
Read more in Sud-Ouest Sud-Ouest, more on armagnac and more on the condom from Condom www.theoriginalcondom.com. The most surprising thing is that no one has done it before!