Prestigious award for photography on the theme of climate change from OIV to BKWine’s Per Karlsson

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OIV (The International Organization of Vine and Wine) organised a photo contest in connection with its centenary (see separate news item), called The OIV Centenary Photo Contest Pau Roca. The competition is named after the organisation’s former director general, the Spaniard Pau Roca.

The theme of the competition was “viticulture and wine production facing climate change”. Four photographers were given awards at the OIV photo contest: Kristian Kielmayer (Hungary), Michel Joly (France), Christophe Der (France) and … BKWine’s Per Karlsson (Sweden and France). We are very proud of this prize and of the appreciation for our photography. More on this later when we have more to report from the awards ceremony itself.

You can see all the photos here OIV Centenary Photo Contest Pau Roca.

Flooded vineyards in Bourgueil, special mention in OIV Centenary Photo Contest Pau Roca
Flooded vineyards in Bourgueil, special mention in OIV Centenary Photo Contest Pau Roca, copyright BKWine Photography
Per Karlsson with the "special mention" award-winning picture at the OIV Centenary Photo Contest Pau Roca
Per Karlsson with the "special mention" award-winning picture at the OIV Centenary Photo Contest Pau Roca, copyright BKWine Photography
The Chinese delegation at the Centenary celebration of the OIV and Per Karlsson, editor of BKWine Magazine
The Chinese delegation at the Centenary celebration of the OIV and Per Karlsson, editor of BKWine Magazine
The OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) headquarters in Dijon, Hôtel Bouchu d'Esterno
The OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) headquarters in Dijon, Hôtel Bouchu d'Esterno, copyright BKWine Photography

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