Pesquera founder Alejandro Fernández dies

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Alejandro Fernández, the founder of the Spanish top wine Pesquera, died on May 22, at the age of 88. When Pesquera appeared, the Ribera del Duero changed. Although the prestigious estate of Vega Sicilia had been long in existence, Pesquera made the region known to the wine-drinking public.

Alejandro Fernández made the first vintage of his wine in 1975. He wanted to create powerful, rich wines from tempranillo locally called tinta del país. Thanks to him, Ribera del Duero received its DO in 1982, the same year that Robert Parker gave Pesquera high points, and the wine’s international fame gained momentum.

Pesquera showed the way for many other producers. Ribera del Duero today makes highly sought-after wines. The vineyards are located at an altitude of 850 meters, which gives cool nights.

Read more: winespectator

A statue in a square in Valladolid, Ribeira del Duero, Spain
A statue in a square in Valladolid, Ribeira del Duero, Spain, copyright BKWine Photography

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