Organic wines even in Champagne: from Champagne Benoît Marguet in Ambonnay

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Benoit is one of many extremely interesting small producers in Champagne. He is the kind of producer that you rarely find, unless you know exactly where to go.

Benoît also belongs to the small number of growers in the region that have started to grow vines organically. He has actually been doing it for a while and will get his certification this year. He has around 10 hectares of vineyards mainly in Ambonnay and Bouzy. This is actually quite a lot in this area; his neighbours are more likely to have between 3 and 5 hectares.

We met Benoit recently during a wine tour in the Champagne region, with a small group of wine enthusiasts, and he showed us one of his Bouzy vineyards. Read more on our Travelog travel blog: Champagne Benoit Marguet, organic farming and horse ploughing in Ambonnay

[box type=”info”]This autumn we have three wine tours to Champagne, one of which is on our open scheduled program.[/box]

In the wine cellar at Champagne Benoit Marguet
In the wine cellar at Champagne Benoit Marguet, copyright BKWine Photography
Benoit Marguet in his vineyards in Champagne
Benoit Marguet in his vineyards in Champagne, copyright BKWine Photography


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