The olive tree around the world

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We don’t usually write about olive trees and olive oil. But they are frequently seen close to vineyards, and they, like the vine, have a good resistance to heat and drought. So, when we came across a newly released report on the state of the olive tree in the world, we cannot help but share some facts.

Key figures for olive cultivation in the world:

  • Producer countries: 41
  • Location of olive cultivation: 98% in the Mediterranean area (48% in the EU)
  • Total area in the world: 10.4 million hectares
  • Olive world production in 2021: 3.4 million tons
  • Largest olive country: Spain, with 2.6 million hectares, of which 93% of olives are intended for olive oil production, 3% for eating and 4% for both.
  • In second place: Tunisia, with 1.28 million hectares (the country’s largest agricultural product)
  • Irrigation: Only about 20% of the world’s olive trees are irrigated
  • Number of olive presses: 12,000 worldwide

Olive oil represents only 2% of the world’s consumption of vegetable oils. The EU accounts for 50%. America and Asia are increasing their consumption and now account for 19% and 17%, respectively.

Read more (pdf): franceagrimer

Very old olive tree
Very old olive tree, copyright BKWine Photography
An olive grove with old trees
An olive grove with old trees in Portugal, copyright BKWine Photography

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