The United Nations of the wine industry – OIV – turns 100 this year

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The OIV (The International Organisation of Vine and Wine) was founded 100 years ago. Congratulations! OIV fulfils an essential function in the world of wine. The organisation currently has 50 countries as members, in other words, most of the world’s wine-producing countries.

The organisation is based in Dijon in Burgundy and works with technical issues, regulations, and other relevant issues for the wine industry, in other words, everything that is vitally important for wine production and laws. OIV also publishes the wine world’s most reliable statistics on grapes, vineyard area, production, harvest reports, etc.

The OIV itself cannot decide, it is an “intergovernmental organization” that relies on the competence and authorities of the member countries. But they act as a forum for the member states to decide on common rules and standards and can also come with advice and recommendations. The result is that most countries thus agree on industry best practices.

Read more: OIV

The OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) headquarters in Dijon, Hôtel Bouchu d'Esterno
The OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) headquarters in Dijon, Hôtel Bouchu d'Esterno, copyright BKWine Photography
A "street sign" in the gigantic wine cellars of Milestii Mici in Moldova, saying "The OIV Street, International Organisation of Vine and Wine", copyright BKWine Photography
A "street sign" in the gigantic wine cellars of Milestii Mici in Moldova, saying "The OIV Street, International Organisation of Vine and Wine", copyright BKWine Photography
The opening ceremony at the 100th anniversary OIV Congress in Dijon
The opening ceremony at the 100th anniversary OIV Congress in Dijon, copyright BKWine Photography
Per Karlsson, BKWine, at the OIV Congress, in the new headquarters at Hotel Bouchu d'Esterno in Dijon
Per Karlsson, BKWine, at the OIV Congress, in the new headquarters at Hotel Bouchu d'Esterno in Dijon, copyright BKWine Photography

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