We can already today give you the details, although it will not be officially launched yet for some time: the new wine tour to Chile and Argentina early 2016. Two wine countries on each side of the Andes mountain range. Both with grandiose scenery. And some of the very best wines in the New World. Imagine The Pampas extending to the horizon and the snow covered tops of the Andes. But also beautiful vineyards, impressive wineries, and a pulsating Buenos Aires.
We will visit several of the very best vineyards including some very high quality producers that have not yet reach world fame. This tour also includes many other tourist and historic attractions. Outstanding wines that match the local gastronomy perfectly. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]A unique wine and food tour that will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience[/inlinetweet].
More info: Wine tour to Chile & Argentina, February 6-21, 2016. Book your tour now!