A new machine harvester for small vineyards

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When some people think about machine harvesting, they often imagine big monsters that brutalize the vineyard. It is true that harvesting machines are often big machines, but they can be quite gentle to both grapes and vines. And soon there will be on the market a tiny harvesting machine, suitable for the small producer and for high-density vineyards.

This new little harvesting machine weighs only 1.5 tonnes, flyweight for tractors, and can handle slopes of up to 30% inclination. The small weight is an advantage since it doesn’t compact the soil, otherwise an environmental problem. The machine is also energy-efficient. The speed is 2-3 km per hour and it can easily harvest 2.5 hectares in one day.

You can see the small harvesting machine (not the one on the picture below!) here mon-viti

Is hand harvest better than machine harvest? Read about the facts and the myths on manual vs mechanical harvest here.

Mechanical harvester straddling a row of vines
Mechanical harvester straddling a row of vines, copyright BKWine Photography
The inside of a harvesting machine
The inside of a harvesting machine, copyright BKWine Photography

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