New classification in Graves

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As we have mentioned previously in the Brief the process has started to change the classification in Graves/Pessac-Léognan. La Revue des Vins de France has taken this as an occasion to do a big tasting of the wines and make their own ranking of the Graves wines. The top ten wines in the list (from both Graves and Pessac-Léognan):

  • Haut-Brion,
  • La Mission Haut-Brion,
  • Pape-Clement,
  • Haut-Bailly,
  • Laville Haut-Brion,
  • Domaine de Chevalier,
  • Malartic Lagraviere,
  • Smith Haut Lafitte,
  • La Tour Haut-Brion and
  • Les Carmes Haut-Brion.

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