We are very happy and proud to have received first prize in the Swedish Gastronomic Academy Book Awards. Many thanks to the jury and to the publisher. And above all, thank you to you who reads the book! Gastronomic Academy Book Awards is the annual event for all food and beverage books published during the year.
The jury’s motivation was: “With their deep and extensive knowledge Britt and Per Karlsson have created the first series of wine travel guides of international class“. We won the first prize in the category for travel guides.

But to tell the truth, the books can just as well be seen as general introductions to each region. The books are perfect for those who want to learn more about the wine regions. That was our intention when we wrote the books. So they can be used as textbooks for someone who wants to learn about the regions or read just for pleasure on the couch for those who want to know more about wine.
“Guide to the World of Wine” includes four books. Each book is about a wine region and has the main title “wines, districts, producers”. The first two books in the series came out in April:
A bit later, in October, they were followed two additional titles:
Now the series thus has four titles. If it becomes popular, which we hope it will, there will soon be more titles, more wine regions.
The books are in a small and convenient format that is easy to take with you on a trip, around 130 pages, soft covers. The texts give you an introduction to each district with all the basic information you need. Geography, grape varieties, a bit of history, the wines’ characteristics, producer recommendations, and about the local gastronomy.
Everything is illustrated with plenty of photos and overview maps.
We hope that there will soon be more books in the series. And it will be, if they sell well so buy them!
There’s only one catch. The books are only published in Swedish. At least for the moment. Perhaps one day an English edition…